Around 3pm my little man suddenly came down with fever, chills and aches. White as a ghost...
The irony?
I had decided to keep us all home from trick-or-treating due to all the germs out there right now. I know that sounds a bit extreme but so far we've been spared and I'd like to keep it that way...well. Until now!
Somewhere, somehow- my boy picked up a germ and he's currently moaning in his sleep in the next room.
No silly dress up. No games. No movie marathons.
So we invited my father-in-law over, who's just moved into the neighborhood, for take out and a movie. Carne Asada nachos (which were soooooo delicious!)and ice cold coke with candy for dessert. Matthew nibbled on dinner, sucked down Airbourne and water, laid on the couch moaning and took a bath.
Other than having a little one down for the count, the rest of this day has been quite leisurely and enjoyable. Got up a bit late, drank a cup of coffee doused with Pumpkin Spice creamer and did my Bible Study. God has been SO amazingly faithful in providing reassurance and clarity for me and my life situations. Not that He hasn't been faithful in doing so in the past- but you sort of take it for granted and then BAM! The realization of what He's putting before you just knocks you on your tail! Anyway- I've been eating it up and truly focusing on the truth and steadfastness of His Word. One piece of my current study is this AMAZING book by John MacArthur, "The Jesus You Can't Ignore". It's a must read! A vivid portrait of the Messaiah- declaring truth without apology, with clarity and love. I truly feel Jesus has been turned into this fluffy marshmallow... I don't know how else to describe it! *laugh* But the church today in general, the culture today- view Him as this accepting, tolerant entity that has nothing bad to say about anyone or anything. Just "it's all good, everyone is good" bunk. And in reading the Bible, anyone truly IN the Word knows this is NOT a Biblical Jesus. This book scripturally reintroduces us to Him. And it's good,good stuff.

Okay- I went off on a tangent there... but it was worthy of one, wasn't it??
ANYwho.... after coffee and Bible study I got ready and went thrifting. Then came home and we all helped my father-in-law get moved into his new apartment. Afterward- got cleaned up. again. and Josie and I went to TARGET to take advantage of some coupons I had expiring today. In using coupons I had on hand, I came home with a TON of candles and all of them for $5 out of pocket! I left the store with $15 in Target Gift Cards in my wallet too! LOVE it!! This supply should last us until the New Year I think. I burn a lot of candles in the Fall/Winter and these burn quickly- so we'll see! I've already burned several of the Bayberry scent- they smell SO good!! Oh- and there's some dishwashing tablets back there too-- another coupon expiring. Normally $3.99, after coupons the detergent tablets were $2.21. Not too shabby.

Here's our new audio book we've begun. The littles giggle like mad and we're just a few chapters in. It's a nice way to ease into our afternoons after lunchtime. Snuggling on the couch under quilts, doodling in notebooks and listening to this entertaining story.

Well-- better wrap this up. We're visiting a church with family tomorrow and then celebrating a birthday at Red Robin. Then evening service and Christmas play practice. Another busy day lined up!