First and foremost- behold the newest addition to our family! Little J is the sweetest little thing... my little sister now has two little boys! Very exciting for us all! Can't WAIT to hold this little guy! I got to stroke his cheek several times but we all KNOW that just DOESN'T cut it!!! ..and I just realized each and every sentence in this entry has ended in an exclamation mark!!!! Can you tell this news is exciting and pure happiness to me?! lol.
As far as my schedule, I'm hanging in there...
Figuring out how to best manage my day and get some quality time in with the kidlets. It's coming together but not without some late nights playing "catch up"! Whether that means shuffling papers, clothes, unloading the dishwasher or whatever. One thing that's been a saving grace for me has been making sure I get my daily devotion reading in. It's a high priority for me- to take the time to get in God's word and pray. It's such a lift to my spirits and gives me hope about every little aspect of my life. It's much easier to handle it all knowing *I'm* not the one in control here! Having my head and heart in the right place truly makes all the craziness bearable.
I was EXHAUSTED yesterday! Just couldn't bounce back from lack of sleep and I was working from home, taking care of the kids, doing dishes, laundry, this and that... it just kept me flying ALL day despite my eyes burning. Of course, going to see my new nephew in the middle of the night/morning was COMPLETELY worth it! But I *did* struggle the rest of the day...lol. BUT! Do you think I went to bed early?! NO WAY, dude!! Project Runway was on! Couldn't miss THAT. It was interesting. Loved seeing their reaction to the guest models...and I had a hunch that Angela's mom would get picked last. Punk boy was just outright RUDE and out of line. I respect his talent and determination but man, his attitude just SUCKS sometimes. We found out Laura is pregnant again. That'll be 6 kids. whoa. And her comment about having another one to "toss on the pile"...hmmm! Interesting outlook,yes?! And HELLLOO?! Crazy Vincent won the challenge. unreal. You gotta love this show...
The Ebay venture is going well. Steadily listing all the stuff I have to unload- listing it cheaply so it will MOVE. That's my main concern right now. I've already gotten rid of over 25 things in the last week or two. Didn't make a great profit- but I made a little and those things are OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! THAT is exciting! Downsizing feels good.
Things with my new job are going really well. There's a distinct possibility that I'll be hired on permanently (I was hired as a short term temp a few weeks ago) which would be wonderful!
Fall is in the air here. It seemed to happen overnight...
Love that.
"Our vocation is not simply to be, but to work together with God in the creation of our own life, our own identity, our own destiny."
~Thomas Merton
Congratulations on your nephew. So sweet!!
Congrats on your new nephew!
I too am glad it's fall - my favorite time of the year!!
Awww, tell your sis CONGRATULATIONS for me girlie! He is gorgeous... and Katie... well, she looks amazing as always! So happy for her... so happy for all your family! Can't wait to see more pics! Loads of love girlie!
congrats on the new baby. so fresh and sweet. wish I had the patience for ebay. thanks for the kind comments. I love seeing a post from you. Warms my heart
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