All kinds of developments lately!!
I tried out for another design team...we'll see what happens. Not feeling uber-confident about it but I still like my pages so I win regardless!! If I *do* get it you'll be SURE to know ASAP! lol. It would be my first and the very idea is exciting. I should know by the end of the month so I don't even have to wait long (thank goodness!)~yeah!
Ebay upped their fees AGAIN- so I had no choice but to close my little store. So now I'm running strictly auctions and trying to get a bunch of my inventory listed to be rid of it! Tired of seeing all of these bins stacked next to my desk... so it's going- and going CHEAP! So far so good! I'm disappointed that I had to close my store because it was such a cheap way to have things listed for months! Oh well...not meant to be I suppose.
In addition to that I have a new JOB! Working for the State of Oregon in a licensing department. Not exactly creative, stimulating work but it's a consistent paycheck that I consider a great blessing right now!!! It's a big change- but I'm hoping things will sort themselves out and I'll be able to balance all the different aspects of my life with this addition.
On top of THAT-- I have my nifty little bella shop. I love my bella shop. I am slow in developing it, but it's going to be wonderful. Easy to view. Easy to use for both creator and shopper. And it brings me so much pleasure to sell things I've created myself. Tonite I took some pictures to add to the site for baby albums. I love how they turned out...

And this was my creative director during the shoot. He yawned alot- which I took as a hint to tweak things here and there. And afterward, he DID seem satisfied. I give you...Mr. Fatty Cat. Seriously. That's his name and it's not without merit. He has the fattest, flabbiest gut I've EVER seen on a cat. The rest of him is "normal"...very strange indeed. And yes. It IS a boy. A snotty, big bellied thing that just decided to adopt us after some neighbors moved. I don't mind him when he's using his manners... you see that he's NOT amused that I've taken his picture. I think he prefers to be anonymous vs. splashed all over the 'net. Oops. My bad, Mr. Fatty.

Hey you busy girl! STILL waiting to see those lo's of yers (hint, hint)! lol! I'm sure they're amazing! Good luck with the dt... I'm rootin' for ya! I'm sorry to hear that you had to close down your boutique... such a bummer but hopefully Bella Carte will take off here soon and make you a millionaire yet! Remember, ANYTHING is possible! :) LOVE that vintage window frame! And I'm sorry to say but Mr. Fatty Cat's got nuthin' on my 13 pounder Marie (aka "white devil"), lol! Seriously, no joke - and she's barely a year old - can you belive it?! I'll send you pics and we can compare, lol! Lub ya... have a great week!
Wow, you have a lot going on! Best wishes on the DT and your new businass venture. And...congrats on the job!
WOW!! Good luck with everything!
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