photo from Urban Outfitters.com
Wishing this was me right now..anxious to get back to blonde.
Wouldn't mind the hat and cheek bones too. *smile*
While I'm wishing...howzabout some gorgeous Christian Louboutin heels.
le sigh.
Aren't they lovely?? Imagine tan limbs in these...yum!

photo from Zappos.com (I think)
It was a much cooler day today. Drizzle throughout, with cool breezes.
I left our windows open and gave the air conditioner a day off!
Not a very newsworthy post here... we stuck around the homefront for the most part.
Got some paperwork done, housework, ebay,etc.
I fell off the exercise-wagon this week, so I'm hoping to hop back on next week... I've done some pushups, situps, squats but no cardio this week.
My goal for next week is to put in 12 miles on the treadmill. I'll keep you abreast of my progress!
We got the littles all signed up for the city library's Summer reading program. I'm a wee bit more excited than they are, but their interest is already growing as they review the program booklet and the books they've selected to get going.
Speaking of, I finally updated the sidebar with our current book selections. You'll notice we're heavy on Egypt books! We set aside our History of the World curriculum during the school year for various reasons and are now picking it back up over the Summer! It starts with Nomads and living on the Nile...so we've stocked up for the next few weeks. I like leaving the subject stacks out for the kids to freely look through and read whenever they like, in addition to our set reading time. The kids are VERY excited about re-starting History, as well as Science, this Summer.
During the school year our focus was on rudimentary basics and lots & LOTS of reading. We're continuing school through the Summer but in a much more relaxed fashion. Our History and Science programs are both extremely hands-on &/or heavy on reading as a group- which we all favor! Plus lots of field trips, outdoor time and games. We're well on our way!
On the weekend agenda: a birthday party @ Bullwinkle's for a nephew, date night with the hubster (I believe chinese food takeout, LOST/24s catch-ups & pj's are on the agenda!) and church.
Here's one more photo to get your creative juices going...
This pic is one I discovered some time ago on Design Sponge.
It's the laundry room of Sarah Hartill, a freelance photographer & Style Editor @ Canadian House & Home Magazine. Don't you LOVE it?! The color, light, the map... I adore it.

photo from www.sarahhartill.com
Hope you have a blessed weekend, friends.
Love, love, love this post my sweet friend.
Those pumps are DELICIOUS! You're right though...tan limbs would look best. Guess I'm out. ;)
You sound like me with the hairs. I too am anxious to get back to, well, err...ugh...whatever the heck my original color is/was.
Summer school, huh? Wow. YOU are my hero.
A summer reading program is exactly what my girls need...must look into that.
Sounds like a fun weekend you have planned with the hubs. Enjoy every minute of it!
Love you to pieces, S.
Hey Sweetie, I'll have to have Dad send you a link to the cool site he was just looking at yesterday! He was looking up some things James had asked him to send, on St Catherines Monastery, built around Moses' burning bush.
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