
2009. Day 7

Cozy day at home today.
Got the laundry caught up. Yessss!
We sputtered our way slowly through the morning
gradually gaining speed & purpose.
Waffles & storytime.
Watched the premiere (DVR'd)of The Biggest Loser@ lunchtime.
Prepped for AWANAS.
Going to church prepared to tear down Christmas decor & trees, only to discover
someone completely BLESSED ME by having the job done!
Spontaneous dinner with my parents at the new Thai place in town.
One word.
Delighted to see several River Center families/couples there...
impromptu fellowship always a plus!

* our daily morning generally includes breakfast with a story.

* I like little fingers/hands in my pictures.

* Pajama day at school- ALWAYS appreciated.

* my Pad Thai. The establishment had lovely lighting but it made for HORRIBLE pics.
Trust me. It was VERY appetizing in appearance in person.

*my parents' curry dish. I sampled it--also fantastic! Joc? Are you reading this??!

* new orange sneaks. These just make me happy.





Anonymous said...

MMMmmm, looks yummy! Tee hee!
(Am warming up leftovers and making rice to go with, this very minute!) Was fun, Thanks for joining!

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie! So nice to SEE you again (*wink*). What a great post! Your orange sneaks are SO stinking cute...and I love those dishes! Pretty! Don't believe I've ever had Thai before. You're always ranting and raving about it so I'm really wanting to try it! ;)
Love you!
Miss you!