Today was SO cold and foggy! I just wanted to be home, curled up under a blanket..but I sat behind a desk sipping on coffee that had to be continually reheated. My Dad stopped by and dropped off a present for Josie. I couldn't wait for her to open it because I KNEW she'd love it. She's been wanting a hat like this for a long time and not only did she get one but Nanny made it for her- making it all the more special! See?! A HUGE hit!!! I love how her eyes disappear and she gets that double dimple in the middle of her cheek when she smiles so big.

I am NOT a huge fan of chocolate but I found a nifty little recipe on Pinterest today and wanted to try it. Chocolate cake in a mug! But for anyone that knows me they'll understand that the draw for me was that it was a SALTED CARAMEL chocolate cake in a mug. Helllloooooooooo heavenly?!! But I strayed a little, actually. I had some rum toffee caramels and I used those instead. You whip up enough ingredients for a single serving, pour it into a coffee mug and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. SUPER simple. Here's a pic of the batter before putting it in the microwave...

It started bubbling up right away!

Bigger & BIGGER!

It was pretty entertaining!

We thought it was going to topple over and right out of the was leeeeaaaaaning.

It was HUGE!!! More like 2 servings, I think. The cake wasn't super moist- in fact, the best part was at the bottom of the cup where the toffee caramels sank and kept the cake fudgey. But with a cup of coffee, it was tasty. I let everyone tear off bits before I thought to take a pic of the finished product directly out of the micro. So it's not really "pretty" but oh well. You get the idea.

After a few bites I gave it to Josie. Like I said- NOT a huge chocolate fan. We tucked in and watched the Michael Buble Christmas special..which was okay. What was NOT okay was having to watch Justin Bieber try to lean down to shake hands with the audience, harldy able to bend his knees & flashing his underwear` and the fact that his skinny jeans were firmly tethered UNDER his bum with a belt. UNDER his bum. UNDER. Am I alone in thinking that if your skinny jeans are SO tight that they won't fit over your backside, you should probably go a size or two UP?! SO tacky. I thought these people had stylists..?!

I've got more pics from this past weekend from the kids slumber party with buddies and other things too- but they'll have to wait for another night.
I love when you post. Always makes me wish I was right there with you. Tonight, in my pj's, helping Josie polish off the chocolate cake. Xoxo.
I love that sweet & salty thing the best too and not so much on the chocolate. Josie looks darling in THE HAT--what a sweet Nanny!
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