
feeling Gods hand...

I'm so thankful for the little things that God gives each day, to bless us!
We forget to look around to recognize them- to see things for what they are.
The sun warming your face.
The gentle breeze that airs out your home.
An encouraging email from a true friend.
The sloppy kisses from your child.
An unexpected check in the mail.
Being healthy!

There are SO many...
Tonite I saw it. I felt it.
Abundant blessings in a few moments time.
I saw the joy of my child in making a new friend.
I felt the kinship of a fellow homeschool mom and sister-in-Christ.
Just really cool.
In a matter of minutes, I felt showered with undeserving blessing and kindness.

He is truly SO very good to us.


1 comment:

kate said...

I want to hit the "like" button for this post sister...
I love you!