...little did they know that I'd found a great neighborhood full of nice rolling hills to go trick-or-treating in! (insert evil laugh here)
Mr.I-hate-having-my-picture-taken was suddenly a poser, as long as he had weapons in hand. I'll spare you the 11 other shots..all very macheesmo & threatening. The other kid was NOT interested in shots outside or anywhere else. She was waiting in the car dying to dive into candyland.
By the end of two hours the kids were begging for water, new legs and their beds- in no particular order. We came home, ate a late dinner and they promptly passed out before even pawing through their candy. Wow. I better check it out FOR them..make sure it's edible and that there aren't any Butterfingers in there. Well. After tonight there won't be...(insert another evil laugh here). And THAT is how it's done, my friends...
Happy Halloween!