Nothing like a fresh little bouquet from the Farmer's Market to brighten the home & spirit.
LOTS of smoothies lately. YUM.
LOTS of sore muscles and whimpering it though.Looking forward to seeing some results soon I hope.
Don't look at me like that. You know what you & your weak bladder. Argg. He can be pretty cute when my temper eases.
Our little shadows- they trot after all of us around the house and pace until we sit down so they can lay on our feet. He's still trying to work the eyes..problem is, half the time you cant' tell if he's focusing the attention on YOU or..the wall. Ollie with his weeeak leeetle bladder and googley eyessss.
DVD of camp memories still being re-watched.
packs of girlie stuff and the chosen American Girl for the day.
dont' even THINK about invading THIS home. Nah- just a certain boys choice air soft weaponry.
Unloading the dishwasher is a little more tolerable when there's colorful dishes..doesn't make much to make me happy sometimes!