Still playing catch up on the blog but not much time to post this week.
I'm working on all sorts of things that need to be done in the next week or two.
Can't believe that Summer is wrapping up and all my preparations are in regards to end-of-Summer activities and school enrollment.
We have friends who are enduring a crisis that I cannot fathom. Their 11 year old daughter is hospitalized with E.Coli and it's very serious. Her poor little body is having a hard time but it appears as of today, she may be rallying! I certainly pray this is the case..she's the sweetest little girl & this family has already endured much hardship. Isn't it always so very curious when you witness someone who gives,gives,gives- especially with focused intent on sharing Christ's love; and you see that the more they try to do- the more they're tested?? This family is case-in-point for sure. The beautiful thing is, that Satan has nothing on 'em. Their situation has already been used for good, in bringing so many believers together in prayer and faith for healing! They've caused most anyone who has heard of their situation to pause and realize that this life is short and we don't know what the next day will hold for us and those we hold dear. There are SO many life lessons to be learned! God's allowed this to happen for good..and I've seen and felt some of that myself. PURE AWESOMENESS.
Good things that have been blessing me lately:
* God's faithfulness made visible
* warm, sunny Summer days
* seeing the kids eyes bug out at hearing the music of the ice cream truck coming & dashing outside
* hearing the littles get so excited about school
* my camera. i heart it lots.
* the ability to get rid of junk and make some $ in the process
* spending more time with my sister
* gorgeous, shimmery sunsets
Things I'm LOVING...
* Top Chef
* seeing my dearest friend several times in a single month. a novelty- sad but true!
* fresh plums
* making fruit smoothies as our post-pool snack almost everyday
* going through the kids closet & realizing they're already set up for school clothes!
* getting rid of junk around here!
* my new IKEA drinking glasses
* I've been dreaming at night, consistently. This is HUGE! (hasn't happened in long time)
* getting to know new friends via email & letters, that live clear across the U.S.=coolness
* coffee. (I think it would be on every "thankful for... or I Love..." list!)