bicycle planter @ my mom&dads
The weather was dreary.
cold. blustery. rainy.
the perfect day to stay at home & in your pj's.
But today was library day-- so we donned our coats w/hoods and drove downtown.
The next best thing to being home in pj's on a rainy day, is a huge library full of good books waiting to be plucked from their shelves & savored.
We left with two huge stacks...
local schoolyard--the trees look like they're a line of fire!
This trip was solely to replenish the kids seasonal basket of reading.
We returned all books pertaining to Fall, Back to School, falling leaves,etc.
We kept a few Thanksgiving ones, but we've officially turned the basket into a Winter one.
I'm eager to dig in, with the kidlets- nestled into the couch w/quilts and cocoa!
We've had a break in our background music during the day, from Classical to Christmas!
It's officially on the brain-- Christmas, snow, higher ingestion of hot coffee,cider, cocoa & tea & homemade sweets; sweaters, scarves and hats- LOTS of 'em! Quilts. Traditions being recalled & shared with a younger generation. Thoughtful planning in blessings others. It's all so yummy!
Got a new BODEN catalog & READY MADE mag in the mail. MORE yumminess!
Breakfast dinner...pancakes & bacon. mmmm.
Freshly bathed kidlets tucked into bed at a decent hour. mmmmm mmm good.
Survivor, Grey's & CSI on tonite w/Cheezits & Diet Dr.Pepper. MOORRRRRRRE yumminess!
Can I PLEASE have a re-run tomorrow???
Oh right! I *am*!
We're taking the day off school except for an afternoon of reading. Then later it's a night of fellowship, flower arranging & scrapbooking with girlfriends for me!
ooooh how I needed this. yes indeedy.
Here's hoping YOU have a fab Friday yourself!